Joop de Langen

I have been working as a lung specialist since 2013. After working at the Amsterdam MC location VUmc, I came to the Netherlands Cancer Institute in March 2017. The Netherlands Cancer Institute radiates warmth and is staffed with motivated and experienced people. A cancer center might not be everybody's ideal place to be, but for its patients and the people treating them, the Netherlands Cancer Institute is the ideal place to be. Whenever I treat my patients, I want to feel like no other physician could deliver better care than me and my colleagues, which is why I invest a lot of time into scientific research, guiding PhD students, and educating colleagues. Our research is centered around the development of new lung cancer treatments and early detection of treatment responses through special PET scans. Alongside this technical work, I also highly value taking my time to find and discuss a treatment plan together with my patients in order to ensure that the plan is a good fit.

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