Most patients with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer can successfully undergo a TUR for bladder cancer after which the entire tumor will be removed. Some patients will need additional bladder irrigation treatment using a cancer drug. This treatment decreases the risk of tumor recurrence. There are several kinds of irrigation, including HIVEC.

HIVEC (Hyperthermic IntraVEsical Chemotherapy)
HIVEC is a treatment involving bladder irrigation using heated chemotherapy, Mitomycin C, or Epirubicin. The chemotherapy is administered by catheter and system which circulates the drug through the bladder. The chemotherapy is heated up to a temperature of 43°C, which will allow the drug to better infiltrate the bladder cells. 

Mitomycin C or Epirubicin cannot enter the bloodstream or other parts of the body. That means that you can benefit from the treatment with very few side effects. This bladder irrigation should not cause gastrointestinal problems, hair loss, or abnormalities in the blood cells. 



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