Michel Wouters

I started working at the Netherlands Cancer Institute as a surgeon in the summer of 2007. My specialty is the treatment of melanomas and lung cancer.

I also head the CIK Commission (Commission for Indicators and Quality registration) at the Netherlands Cancer Institute and fight for greater visibility of the quality of our care, also through our website. 

I also head SONCOS, the Foundation of Oncological Cooperation, which represents all medical specialists working in oncology in the Netherlands. SONCOS proposes all quality standards to which hospitals need to adhere in order to offer optimal oncological care. I also co-founded and head the scientific bureau of DICA (Dutch Institute for Clinical Auditing), a Dutch organization that evaluates the quality of care at hospitals in the Netherlands, and offers reflective information to healthcare providers in order to improve care and create greater transparency towards the government, health insurance providers, patient organizations, and the public at large. 

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