Margot Tesselaar

I have been working at the Netherlands Cancer Institute as a medical oncologist since 2008. I specialize in the treatment of head and neck tumors and neuroendocrine cancer within a multidisciplinary team. Our head and neck tumor work group mainly sees patients undergoing a combination of radiation therapy and chemotherapy. This is an intense treatment plan, but I can see that we are getting better and better at our work towards patient recovery. We owe much of these advancements to our research. For all neuroendocrine cancer types, I closely collaborate with our gastroenterologists. 14 years after its establishment in 1997, our "carcinoid" clinic - now better known as the NET/NEC clinic - won the prestigious title of "center of excellence" in 2011. When treating neuroendocrine cancers of the skin, better known as merkel cell carcinomas, I collaborate with the skin cancer work group. The ministry of health has certified us asĀ  a merkel cell carcinoma knowledge center.

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