Kim Monkhorst

After receiving my education at the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, I came to the Netherlands Cancer Institute as a clinical pathologist in 2014. I obtained my PhD in the mechanism behind x-chromosome inactivation at the Cell Biology department at the Erasmus MC and MIT in Boston.

Pathology is a field in which we try to find as much relevant information (biomarkers) as possible from tumor tissue in various ways. These biomarkers play a vital role in the search for the optimal treatment for every patient. Besides my diagnostic work, my mission is the development of new biomarkers in collaboration with the NKI's research institute, and working towards the implementation of the newly found biomarkers in the clinic so we can use them in our patient care. 

My focus points are thoracic oncology and molecular diagnostics. I head the molecular tumor board and tremendously enjoy my work at the board and with the thoracic oncology tumor workgroup, and my collaborations with multiple specialists, allowing us to provide the most optimal treatments.

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