Hormoontherapie Infuus (5)

Hormone therapy for uterine cancer

What is hormone therapy?

Hormone therapy is the use of drugs that block the body’s ability to produce hormones, or interfere with the way these hormones behave in the body. Hormone therapy can only be used in the treatment of cancers that grow as a result of hormones. Uterine cancer tends to respond to the female hormone progesterone.

Hormone therapy can be administered after surgery, or when the tumor is too advanced and the treatment aims to alleviate the symptoms.

Hormone therapy - what to expect?

Most hormones can be taken orally as a pill, but can also be administered through an injection.

What kinds of side effects should I expect?

Treatment for uterine cancer will harm your fertility. we offer you the opportunity to cryopreserve your sperm, egg cells, or embryos before the start of your treatment (fertility preservation). Your physician will discuss your options with you.
The treatment will precipitate menopause. You may experience hot flashes, increased perspiration, and trouble regulating your body temperature. We will try to make hormone therapy as comfortable as possible for you. 

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