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Er zijn 89 items gevonden

Researchers discover new pathway to cancer cell suicide

Chemotherapy kills cancer cells. But the way these cells die appears to be different than previously understood. Researchers …
16 May 2024 20:00
Rene Medema (2) (2019)

Announcement departure Prof. dr. René Medema

Prof. dr. René Medema intends to resign from his board positions at the Netherlands Cancer Institute as of April 1, 2024. Ren…
1 May 2023 16:00
Novel Coronavirus SARS Cov 2 Wikimedia

Majority of COVID-19 measures eliminated

On 10 March, 2023, the Dutch government decided that the last measures against COVID-19, the coronavirus, can be eliminated. …
20 Mar 2023 09:00
Videobellen Banner

Would you prefer video calling with your care provider? Let us know

Would you prefer talking to your care provider from home with a video call? You can let us know what you prefer in MijnAVL un…
8 Mar 2023 13:00
Precision medicine

DNA testing can predict ineffective chemotherapy treatment for colon cancer

Onderzoekers van het Nederlands Kanker Instituut hebben aangetoond dat het mogelijk is om met een veel gebruikte DNA-test te …
2 Mar 2023 17:00
Metastatic Melanoma Cells NCI Center For Cancer Research Vol 9872 150

Unexpected side effect sabotages immunotherapy

Researchers at the Netherlands Cancer Institute discovered an unexpected effect of a new type of immunotherapy. This may expl…
21 Feb 2023 17:00
Groep Gamma Knife 20230131 01

Treatment with lutetium-PSMA gives prostate cancer patients new hope

Het Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (AVL) startte twee jaar geleden als eerste ziekenhuis in Nederland de nieuwe Lutetium-PSMA therapi…
21 Feb 2023 10:15

Patiëntenportaal MijnAVL is vernieuwd. Videobellen voortaan via Microsoft Teams.

Het patiëntenportaal MijnAVL - uw persoonlijke omgeving waar u altijd en overal veilig toegang heeft tot uw afspraken en medi…
3 Feb 2023 10:30
nabucco bloedafname

Fewer surgeries may be needed for bladder cancer thanks to new blood test

Thanks to a new blood test, patients with bladder cancer may be able to circumvent a precautionary cystectomy after treatment…
2 Feb 2023 17:00
Lindeboom Rik 20230117 02

New group leader gives new meaning to phrase ‘to measure is to know’

As of February 1, biologist and science fanatic Rik Lindeboom will be reinforcing our institute as a junior group leader. He …
31 Jan 2023 16:00
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