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Er zijn 89 items gevonden
Collage Palic Semra Blauw

Neglected parasitic disease leishmaniasis addressed at NKI

Leishmaniasis is a terrible disease. It causes huge ulcers, or your organs swell up until you die. Single-celled Leishmania p…
19 Aug 2021 10:00

Actionable metastatic cancer genome is remarkably stable over time, despite treatment with drugs

A one-time analysis of the entire tumor DNA is almost always sufficient to find all DNA errors that may be relevant for treat…
9 Aug 2021 17:10
Cover 1

Smart combination therapy for liver cancer tackles drug resistance

Liver cancer is one of the most common cancer types worldwide and is especially common in China. A collaborative effort betwe…
21 Jul 2021 17:00

A new stool test can further improve colorectal cancer screening

A new stool test can further improve colorectal cancer screening A new way to detect colorectal cancer can test not just for …
20 Jul 2021 09:00
CT bekken man radiotherapie
Precision medicine

AI can help improve precision radiotherapy

The Netherlands Cancer Institute, University of Amsterdam (UvA), and Elekta will collaborate on the development of new AI str…
15 Jul 2021 10:30
Marleen Kok

NWO grant for Marleen Kok: immunotherapy for triple negative breast cancer

Medical oncologist Marleen Kok is to receive an NWO Vidi grant for her research into triple-negative breast cancer. A small g…
14 Jul 2021 09:04
minitumoren cover nature magazine

Mini-tumors predict patients’ response to immunotherapy

Miniature tumors in the lab are able to predict whether the corresponding real-life patients will benefit from immunotherapy.…
8 Jul 2021 17:00
darmkanker foto 2

Intestinal cancer cell takes advantage of healthy cell

Body cells give each other all kinds of signals to properly coordinate decisions in tissues, such as growth. New research by …
6 Jul 2021 17:05
Collage Schie Marcel V Blauw

From “impure” MRI data to better radiotherapy of a prostate tumor

June 30, 13.45 Leiden University "The best part of the four studies I did for my PhD was my search for a model that indicates…
28 Jun 2021 15:37
Winette EORTC

Winette van der Graaf new EORTC President-Elect

Medical Oncologist and Professor Winette van der Graaf will be the new EORTC President-Elect. This is the first time that som…
22 Jun 2021 17:24
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