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Er zijn 89 items gevonden
Ton Schumacher Juni 2020

Prestigious Louis-Jeantet prize for NKI immunologist Ton Schumacher

Immunologist Ton Schumacher of the Netherlands Cancer Institute receives the honorable Louis-Jeantet Prize for translational …
26 Jan 2021 13:01
RT Man Bekken 2 2015

Radiation boost lowers risk of prostate cancer recurrence

An additional external-beam radiation dose delivered directly to the tumor can benefit the prospects of men with non-metastat…
20 Jan 2021 22:05
Colinda Scheele VIB Inedehandschutter

Colinda Scheele receives Antoni van Leeuwenhoek award 2020

Cancer researcher Colinda Scheele has won the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek award 2020 for her extraordinary research into stem cell…
18 Jan 2021 19:00
Still Androgen Receptor Video

Testosterone may suppress breast cancer cells

Treating breast cancer with a substance that strongly resembles the ‘male sex hormone’ testosterone? This may be a solution f…
18 Jan 2021 17:15
Collage Dijkgraaf Feline Rood

Thesis defense Feline Dijkgraaf | T cells in focus: formation and function of tissue-resident memory

"When I first saw memory T cells patrol the skin… that was a eureka moment. We have developed technology to trace this type o…
11 Jan 2021 10:45
Bente Benedict Promotie Avl

Thesis defense Bente Benedict | How cancer cells get away with replication stress

“Cancer cells lack a checkpoint: without checking whether everything is ready for cell division, cancer cells start replicati…
5 Jan 2021 13:12

Face masks mandatory as of December 1, 2020

As of December 1, face masks are mandatory in public indoor spaces. The Netherlands Cancer Institute is a public indoor space…
1 Dec 2020 10:10
IVF Afbeelding
Fundamental research

No increased long-term risk of ovarian cancer after In Vitro Fertilization

Women who have received fertility treatment in the past, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) are not at increased risk of de…
17 Nov 2020 12:45
Rick Haas En Jules Nov 2020
Precision medicine

Less radiotherapy required, so fewer complications with rare sarcoma

Myxoid Liposarcoma (MLS) is a very rare type of cancer. Only about two in every million people are diagnosed with MLS each ye…
12 Nov 2020 16:22
Tineke Lenstra
Fundamental research

Tineke Lenstra to receive KNAW award for research into DNA regulation

Moleculair bioloog Tineke Lenstra van het Nederlands Kanker Instituut krijgt de Early Career Award van de Koninklijke Nederla…
10 Nov 2020 12:35
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