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Er zijn 89 items gevonden
Theo Ruers NKI
  14 Sep 2020 10:45

No instruments? Then your doctor will just have to make some | Theo Ruers in the FD

By cleverly combining affordable technologies, creative Dutch physicians are developing their own tools to treat cancer, cere…
Hilda Barros Foto Fluorescent Licht Prostaatkanker
image guided therapy 18 Aug 2020 10:00

For the first time in the Netherlands: Fluorescent light reveals prostate cancer during surgery

The Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) – part of the Dutch Prostate Cancer Network – has started using a new surgical techniq…
Daniel Peeper Immuunresistente Cellen
Immunotherapy 11 Aug 2020 16:28

Pre-existing immune-resistant cancer cells identified in melanoma

Researchers at the Netherlands Cancer Institute and Oncode Institute have discovered a cluster of tumor cells that are refrac…
Wilbert Zwart (1)
Fundamental research 30 Jul 2020 16:21

DNA programme leads to breakthrough in prostate cancer metastases research | Wilbert Zwart at

Metastatic prostate cancer cells that spread throughout the patient's body reactivate a DNA program responsible for fetal pro…
Microscopiefoto Prostaatkanker Uitgezaaid Naar Lymfeklier Patiã«Nt Copyright AVL
Fundamental research 20 Jul 2020 17:00

Metastatic prostate cancer hijacks DNA program for embryonic development

Prostaatkankercellen die uitzaaien door het lichaam van de kankerpatiënt, reactiveren een programma in het DNA dat er in de b…
Marleen Kok Karin De Visser Twinning Interview Julo 2020
Fundamental research 14 Jul 2020 13:53

Marleen Kok and Karin de Visser: Working together towards immunotherapy for breast cancer patients

Collaborations between the lab and the clinic are of vital importance for focused cancer research that can benefit patients. …
  29 Jun 2020 14:20

Netherlands Cancer Institute: Sarcoma Expert Center

The Sarcoma care in the Netherlands report (Sarcomenzorg in Nederland) from the Netherlands comprehensive cancer organisation…
OK Prostaatkanker
  18 Jun 2020 12:08

Better detection and removal of prostate cancer metastases thanks to new surgical technique

Last week, for the first time in the Netherlands, the Netherlands Cancer Institute – part of the Netherlands Prostate Cancer …
Wanda Nanda Annemieke Stoppen Met Roken Poli
COVID-19 20 May 2020 08:52

Smoking cessation phone coaching for patients

De Stoppen met Roken poli in het Centrum voor Kwaliteit van Leven merkt dat er sinds de coronacrisis vaker terugval is bij he…
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