MRI scan

What is an MRI scan?

An MRI scan can help us create images of organs and tissue by using radiofrequency in combination with a large, strong magnet to generate signals in the body that can be detected by a computer through an antenna, which then generates an image. This imaging technique does not use radiation, or x-rays. An MRI scanner allows us to depict every slice of your body. You will be asked to lie down on a bed that will be moved into a tunnel. The scan can be loud. We will give you a set of headphones so you can listen to music. There are no known side-effects to MRI usage. We may need to administer a contrast fluid through IV to increase visibility of your blood vessels. This may feel warm, cause a dry mouth, and you may feel the need to urinate. An MRI can give us clear and accurate images of the following: 

  • brain (function), spinal column, and nerves
  • muscles
  • tendons and ligaments
  • heart (function)
  • abdominal organs


30 to 60 minutes

After the procedure

If no abnormalities were found, you can go home directly after the procedure.


Your physician will discuss the results with you during your next consultation.

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