Medical social work

Our medical social workers at the Netherlands Cancer Institute have a lot of experience and expertise in oncological care. They are specialized in psychosocial problems related to cancer and are available to support patients and their loved ones. Consultations with a medical social worker aim to stabilize or strengthen the capacity, coping with anxiety, uncertainty, mourning, and loss. You can visit a medical social worker if you have questions of a psychosocial or practical nature. Patients' loved ones are also welcome to visit us. 

You can make an appointment at the recommendation of your physician, nurse, or other health care professional at the Netherlands Cancer Institute. 

You can find us at the Survivorship Center at clinic 4.

Our team

What to expect during a consultation with a medical social worker?

You can discuss problems you face as a result of your illness or treatment. 

  • The (every day) consequences of your illness and treatment and how to fit them into your life 
  • Processing your illness
  • Going back to work and all related concerns
  • Rehabilitation
  • Questions about, or changes in your relationships or family
  • Problems regarding intimacy and sexuality (you can come in together with your partner) 
  • Contact with your children: what to tell them and what to expect
  • Making choices regarding your treatment 
  • Discussing choices regarding genetic problems

Our medical social worker will help you search for something that can best help you restore balance in your life. You may experience symptoms or problems in various areas of your life. Your medical social worker can refer you to a rehabilitation physician or program if you are experiencing problems in various areas of your life. You may also be referred to a different health care professional at the Netherlands Cancer Institute or outside if your medical social worker thinks that this best fits your problems.

How to make an appointment?

You can schedule an appointment at the recommendation of your physician, nurse, or other health care professional at the Netherlands Cancer Institute. if you would like more information before making your appointment, please contact the Patient Information Center.

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