Treatment options

Personalized treatment
At the Netherlands Cancer Institute, you receive the type of treatment that best suits you and your personal situation. Your exact treatment options will depend on the tumor type and stage, the presence of metastases, tumor growth, and your age and overall health physical condition. Of course, your personal preferences are another important factor in finding the best treatment for you. We will take the time to discuss your options and preferences with you, so you can make an informed decision about which treatment you are the most comfortable with.

Er zijn 101 items gevonden
CT Scan Voorafgaand Aan Bestraling

Radiotherapy for cervical cancer

The exact treatment for cervical cancer will depend on the stage of the tumor. If the tumor is not too advanced, it can be su…
Begeleiding Radiotherapeutisch Laboranten

Radiotherapy for bladder cancer

If your bladder cancer has not spread outside of the bladder, radiotherapy may be an option for you. Your treatment will cons…
radiotherapie nieuw

Radiotherapy for breast cancer

Radiotherapy for breast cancer usually follows breast-sparing surgery. There is always a risk of tumor cells remaining in the…
In Sommige Gevallen Wordt Fixatiemateriaal Gebruikt Om U In Steeds In Exact Dezelfde Houding Te Kunnen Leggen Bij De Bestralingen.

Radiotherapy for bone metastases

Tumors that spread to the bones can cause pain. Your bones may weaken and the tumors may cause pressure on the nerves, or the…
CT bekken man radiotherapie

Radiotherapy for colorectal cancer

Radiotherapy can be a treatment option for patients with colorectal cancer who have had surgery, in order to decrease the ris…
CT Scan Voorafgaand Aan Bestraling

Radiotherapy for gynecological cancer

Gynecological cancer is an umbrella term for tumors in the uterus, cervix, vagina, vulva, and ovaries. The exact treatment wi…
Afspraak Voor CT Scan

Radiotherapy for brain tumors

Brain tumors can develop in the brain tissue (primary brain tumors) or spread from elsewhere in the body. We call those brain…
Uitwendige Bestraling

Radiation therapy for head and neck cancer

Head and neck cancer includes tumors that develop in any kind of tissue in the head and neck area. Common types of head and n…
Oppervlakkig Gelegen Tumoren Worden Bestraald Op Een Orthovolt Toestel

Radiotherapy for skin cancer

Depending on the tumor type, location, size and stage, your specialists will discuss the best treatment for you. Superficial …
Radiotherapie CT scan thorax tekenen

Radiotherapy for lung cancer/thoracic cancer

There are two types of lung cancer: small cell and non-small cell lung carcinoma. Small cell lung carcinoma tends to be a mor…
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